Wells St. Bridge Reconstruction - South Leaf
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The reconstruction of the south leaf of the Wells St. bridge occurred over a nine day period at the beginning of March 2013. This page provides a number of photographs in four slide shows that chronicle the events. The first slide shows show the movement of equipment and material prior to the beginning of the reconstruction in February. The remaining photos capture the removal of the existing river arm, the preparation of the stub and the initial installation of the new river arm, and the final installation of the river arm.
In February, two cranes and the new river arm were moved via barge along the South Branch of the Chicago River into position at the Wells St. bridge. These were done in three trips on 2/10, 2/23, and 2/24. Two of these trips are captured here.
The tug Buckley and crane barge near the W. Madison St. bridge (2/10/2013).
The tug and barge exit the South Branch passing under the W. Lake St. bridge (2/10/2013).
The tug and barge arrive at the Wells St. bridge (2/10/2013).
Tugs Buckley and Tanner transporting the new river arm section to the Wells St. bridge - waiting at the Congress Pkwy. bridge (2/23/2010).
Tugs and barge passing the W. Jackson Blvd. bridge (2/23/2013).
Making the turn from the South Branch to the Main Stem (2/23/2013).
Tugs docking the river arm at the Wells St. bridge (2/23/2013).
The reconstruction of the south leaf took place around the clock during the nine day period from 3/2-10/2013. The first major step in the process was to remove the existing river arm. This was accomplished at about 6:20 PM on the first day. You can watch a short time-lapse video of the movement of the river arm at this YouTube link (Thanks to Rob Edgcumbe).
Saturday morning - railway removal (Day 1 - 3/2/2013).
Saturday afternoon the upper cords are cut (Day 1 - 3/2/2013).
Saturday afternoon the bottom cords are cut (Day 1 - 3/2/2013).
Saturday evening - old river arm fully supported on barge, ready for removal (Day 1 - 3/2/2013).
Sunday morning - old river arm docked to the east / new river arm docked to the west (Day 2 - 3/3/2013).
The next step was to ready the stub, for the installation of new river arm. Once preparation work on the stub was complete, the new river arm was floated near the stub, aligned, and winched into place. Initial connections were made attaching the new river arm to the stub were made about 5:20 PM on day 3.
Monday morning - prep work on the stub (Day 3 - 3/4/2013).
Monday morning - cross members in place (Day 3 - 3/4/2013).
Monday afternoon - prep work continues on stub (Day 3 - 3/4/2013).
Monday afternoon - new river arm is floated into place (Day 3 - 3/4/2013).
Monday afternoon - new river arm is guided ito place (Day 3 - 3/4/2013).
Monday afternoon - new river arm in place on stub (Day 3 - 3/4/2013).
Work continued on the connections between the stub and the new river arm through Day 4. The bridge leaf was self-supporting again on Day 5. The north leaf of the bridge was lowered into place on Day 6 and work started on the rail bed of the new leaf. Rail work was completed early Monday morning March 11th. Nicely done CDOT, CTA, and all contractors. Kudos to all involved.
Tuesday morning - river arm loosely bolted in place and final truss panel installed (Day 4 - 3/5/2013).
Thursday morning - new river arm attached and cantilevered over the river (Day 5 - 3/6/2013).
Thursday afternoon - rebuilt south leaf counter balanced and ready for installation of rail bed (Day 6 - 3/7/2013).
Friday morning - north leaf lowered in place and railway work in progress (Day 7 - 3/8/2013).
Fiday morning - looking south along the lower deck on the old nort leaf and the new south leaf (Day 7 - 3/8/2013).
View from the CTA platform at the Merchandise Mart - project complete (Monday 3/11/2013).
Train crossing Wells St. bridge over rebuilt south leaf (Monday 3/11/2013).